Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Long time no blog!

Hey guys! Ok so I know that I havent been writing on here for quite some time but I have made a promise to myself to try and keep up with it at least every other day. Its a good place to just let myself be myself with no judgments.
So since the last you heard from me I have made the move to Marina, CA and am attending CSU Monterey Bay. And despite a little bit of depression my first week here, I love it and it was well worth all my hard work to end up here. I have met a couple of really cool people and started my new job at the restaurant on campus and its great. Ive really found out a lot about myself while being down here. I am strong enough to take on anything. I wasnt so sure that first week but after seeing how far I have come since then I know that I will end up seeing this place as my second home with no problem. My friends and m family have really helped in understanding that it took me a little bit longer than others to get used to being away from them but I know they are all proud of who I am and how far I have brought myself.
So new things going on. Well like I said I started my new job at the campus restaurant as a server. It works great with my schedule and the best part is that when I am out of school, on breaks and vacation, the restaurant is closed so I never have to worry about asking for time off during the holidays, spring/ summer break. I not only serve at the restaurant but I also do some catering events too. Its a lot of fun being able to dress all professional and meet a ton of new people but I think I like the serving in the restaurant a little bit more. My co workers are a lot of fun too. There's Daniella, a server, who is spunky and super easy to talk to, her boyfriend JD, a bartender, who is oober cool and totally knows it but in a good way haha. There's Sarah, another server, who is a total badass in her own way and so much fun to work with, Trevin, a busser, who started out on my bad side but has worked his way up to being a pretty cool guy lol. There's Casey, a server, who is the most typical Califonia guy you will ever meet but is a sweetie, and Marina and Evelyn, both caterers, who are a bit on the quite side but once you get through their exterior, they are way cool. Then there's the whole cooking staff, Sam, Bruce, Peter, Chris and all the rest are so much fun and super nice all the time and the managers, Michelle and Martin, who couldn't be mean if they tried; ok maybe if they tried. And not only have I met a few cool co workers but Ive also met this really great guy too. I know its not the most professional thing to get into a relationship with one of your co workers but I couldnt help myself. His name is Michael and he is amazing, both as a server and a guy. He is hilarious and does pretty much every impression that you could think of, and well too. But the weird thing with him is that from the second I met him, when all we did was laugh and joke around, I felt as though I had known him all my life, as though he was one of my best friends. I have never felt like that before with someone, at least not right off the bat. That's how I know that this is different, that's he's special. Nothing serious yet, just kind of dating and having fun together but as soon as it happens I'll let you know!
I've met a few other people outside of work that seem like really good friends. A guy named Jake who works at Peets coffee in the library, and Shelli who is my partner in my micro economics class. Jake is from Covina, CA down in southern cal and is pledging a fraternity at CSUMB. He's a lot of fun anf I was actually kind of nervous to talk to him at first because I thought he was cute but he ended up being a really nice guy and is totally my party hook up from here on out cuz you know how frat boys are lol. Shelli is from Sac and is a really sweet girl. She's pretty funny and is pretty much the only way I stay awake in that class haha.
Other than that life's been good. I'm getting along great nowadays and just trying to get used to this cold weather at the end of summer, Im telling you it's just not normal. Im sure my future is going to be bright and my present is getting better and better everyday ;)

So until tomorrow, or the next day, have fun, love life, and enjoy this present day.